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New Service Simplifies Wireless Surfing

posted onMarch 23, 2004
by hitbsecnews

ATLANTA--If you've ever tried to find a movie theater schedule or search the Yellow Pages on a Web-enabled cell phone or connected handheld, you know how difficult it can be. Handmark's new Express service is designed to tackle this problem. Launched this week at the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association's annual trade show here, Handmark Express packages and delivers Web-based information to Palm- and Windows Mobile-based, Internet-connected devices. The service provides news, weather, movie listings, stocks, sports, phone book lookup, and map information in as few as two clicks. Handmark Express is a subscription service, which means the interface is not cluttered with (nor is the service slowed down by) ads. It is available for $6.99 per month from the Handmark Express Web site, which also offers a selection of handheld games and productivity applications. In a few weeks, Handmark plans to offer a retail package at Best Buy stores, offering a year's worth of service for $69. That package will include a CD with the Express software, which you can sync to your handheld via your desktop PC. (Those who purchase the service at Handmark's site can download the software for free.)




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