Mozilla Pushes Security Forward for Firefox Browsers and FirefoxOS

L33tdawg: Meet with the guys from Mozilla next month at #HackWEEKDAY (they're bringing down Firefox phones!) or at the CommSec Village at #HITB2013KUL. The entire area is FREE and OPEN TO PUBLIC!
Mozilla is well-known for its open-source Firefox Web browser, which is a key target for attackers and security researchers looking to exploit Web users. Standing on the front line of the battle to help keep Firefox and its users safe is Mozilla Director of Security Assurance Michael Coates.
In a video interview with eWEEK, Coates explains what his role is at Mozilla and how the open-source organization goes about building security into everything it does. Coates runs the security assurance team at Mozilla which focuses on security throughout the lifecycle of everything that Mozilla builds. "We make sure that everything we do [including] development, deployment and ongoing maintenance is secure," Coates said.
Security is part of the early development process for features with threat modeling being a key part of the process. Code review tools are used once code has actually been written to help identify potential issues. Then after a software release has been made generally available, Mozilla has a bug-bounty program, which rewards security researchers for responsibly reporting security flaws.