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Megaupload case gets weirder with gun charges, flight risks, and an inflatable tank

posted onJanuary 27, 2012
by l33tdawg

Flight risks, firearms charges and an inflatable tank are just some of the latest wrinkles in the bizzare case of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom. After his arrest, Dotcom's mansion received delivery of a full-size inflatable replica of a Russian T-72 tank, which is now parked in front of the "Dotcom Mansion" and is busy infuriating the upscale neighbors. The T-72 "Threat Decoy" is similar to those used by the military for field training and intelligence deception, manufactured by companies such as Inflatable Images in the US and Russia's Rusbal; each sells for thousands of dollars.

The New Zealand Herald also reports that Judge David McNaughton, who is presiding over the extradition hearing for Dotcom and his associates in Auckland, denied bail to Dotcom based partially on secret evidence regarding the "porous nature" of New Zealand's borders and how easily someone like Dotcom could slip away—even with electronic monitoring. The judge said that "with sufficient determination and financial resources, flight risk remains a real and significant possibility." Because Dotcom has already obtained passports under three names, there was concern that he could easily obtain a false passport through "criminal connections" to sneak out of the country by sea or by small plane.

The judge did grant bail to Megaupload chief marketing officer Finn Batato, a long-time associate of Dotcom dating back to his German security firm DataProtect (Batato was a co-star of Dotcom's "Kimble Goes Monaco" movie); he also approved bail for Bram van der Kolk, a lead programmer for the company. Mathias Ortmann, another longtime associate of Dotcom from his DataProtect days—who was credited in Dotcom's Monaco adventure extravaganza under the nickname "Scuzzy"—is also being held, pending more submissions on his behalf for bail. Batato and van der Kolk's bail carries a ban on owning or using a device capable of connecting to the Internet.



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