Managing data centres via wireless link
Data centre management is about to go mobile. Network and systems administrators are tired of working in a cramped environment that is alternately too cold or too hot, and so the idea of managing software and servers via a wireless hookup is about to come into its own, some observers believe.
Admittedly, this setup has its problems, including concerns about interference slowing the performance of a mission-critical application, such as server maintenance, and security. In most wireless setups, security is often geared for executives checking e-mail, not an admin configuring access for a new accounting department ERP rollout.
Indeed, for most large companies, Wi-Fi is the purview of business travellers, those PDA- and laptop-toting power users who need anytime, anywhere access in corporate buildings, at airports and hotels, and at Starbucks. But this kind of access back to the data centre is just a matter of time, some believe.