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Malware found in the control room of a Japanese nuclear reactor

posted onJanuary 15, 2014
by l33tdawg

It's been a quiet day in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, a large port city on the western coast of central Japan. Like PC users the world over, you've been playing whack-a-mole with update notifications.

This time, it's a piece of free software that you're barely aware of on your computer. Up pops an update notice while you're eating a yummy piece of chocolaty Lotte Ghana left over from the holidays. While you're chewing, you click your mouse, approving the update.

And then you forget all about it as you go on with your normal day's work. Somewhere, though, in South Korea, you've just made someone's day. You've opened up a back door between a cybercriminal's lair and your computer -- which just happens to be one of eight computers in the Monju fast-breeder nuclear reactor's control room.



Japan Viruses & Malware

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