Katz.cd Hacked and Redirected
Katz.cd, one of the largest direct download and torrent link directories on the Internet, appears to have been taken over by hackers. As a result the site’s visitors are now being redirected to a dubious pay-to-download site. How long the ‘downtime’ will last is unclear at the moment, but all signs suggest that something serious is going on.
With hundreds of thousands of daily visitors, Katz.cd is one of the leading direct download (DDL) directories. The site indexes links to forums and blogs where users can download movies, music, and various other types of entertainment. In addition to cyberlocker links, Katz also lists links to torrents.
This morning Katz visitors noticed a rather dramatic change. After having displayed the message Hacked :) for a short while, visitors to the site were redirected to rapid-downloads.com, a scammy pay-to-download service.