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IT departments should worry about Google Drive

posted onApril 21, 2012
by l33tdawg

Google Drive is poised to give IT departments yet another headache to deal with.  

Drive, the name of Google's data-syncing cloud storage service that's rumored to launch sometime next week, will likely offer many of the features of popular storage apps such as Dropbox and Box, including 5GB of free storage with upgrades of up to 100GB of storage for users willing to pay for service.

But there's a big difference between other cloud storage apps and Google Drive, which is namely that the former are run by small, independent firms while the latter will be run by one of the largest companies in tech and will thus be harder to avoid. Forrester analyst Frank Gillett says that the ubiquity of Google applications such as Gmail, YouTube and Maps will make it much harder for enterprises to block Google Drive than Dropbox or Box.



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