iPhone 5 sees faster data speeds on T-Mobile after hacked carrier update

As the iPhone 5 launched on T-Mobile’s network, existing AT&T unlocked iPhone 5 customers received a carrier update to enable the LTE signal. As it turns out, in some cases the carrier update added something good with LTE, but negatively affected the signal and speeds achieved on the company’s refarmed PCS 1900MHz network.
Well, there’s some good news thanks to our friends @joe012594 and @cooldayr2 who have successfully ”hacked” the carrier update in the hopes of boosting those speeds. As it turns out, their efforts were not in vain and they achieved their goal by “increasing the amount of bandwidth allowing for better throughput of data and data connection.” There’s a “tech talk” section at the tail end of the instructions explaining what was done and why it was necessary. The bottom line is these two guys succeeded in aiding those customers who found their service worse off in a post-carrier update world. The good news is this update works on both the official T-Mobile variants of the iPhone 5 and the AT&T/unlocked model so all iPhone 5 owners on T-Mobile should see speed improvements.