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If you think that you’re safe surfing for porn on a Mac - think again

posted onJune 14, 2009
by hitbsecnews

Security experts have discovered two new worms targeting Apple users using Mac OS X.

Sophos found an updated version of the Tored worm, which it had earlier reported back in May, though it was thought too amateurishly made to cause real problems. The real threat comes from a second worm Sophos calls OSX/Jahlav-C, which was first noted by Jerome Segura, a security analyst for ParetoLogic.

OSX/Jahlav-C works by using a video promising hardcore porn, which pops up a message asking the user to install an ActiveX component. Installing the program - which is described as being “insistent” - will result in the download of a Trojan horse that can hand over control of the computer to a hacker.




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