IEEE readies launch of gigabit Wi-Fi project
The IEEE working group that is putting the finishing touches on the 802.11n 100Mbps wireless LAN standard is about to launch a new project, for a 1Gbps WLAN standard. That would mean gigabit Wi-Fi.
Last year, group members formed the Very High Throughput Study Group to explore changes to the 802.11 WLAN standard to support gigabit capacity. The study group is looking at doing so in two frequency bands, high-frequency 60GHz for relatively short ranges and under-6GHz for ranges similar to that today’s WLANs in the 5GHz band, 802.11a and 11n.
At a meeting this week in Hawaii, the study group has been finalizing a proposal calling for creation of a new, as yet unnamed task group to carry forward the work of crafting a standard. That proposal must be accepted by the 802.11 Working Group, which oversees the entire WLAN standard.