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How one security researcher is working to secure vulnerable IoT devices

posted onNovember 25, 2020
by l33tdawg
Credit: Flickr

Device manufacturers were quick to capitalize on the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the possibilities of what could be accomplished if so-called smart devices were able to communicate with one another. However, as they worked to bring these devices to market quickly, many hardware makers failed to secure them properly by doing things such as not actively encouraging users to change the default credentials of their devices. According to Security Today, experts estimate that 31bn IoT devices will be installed during 2020 which could leave both businesses and consumers at risk of attacks.

Principal security researcher at Tripwire, Craig Young has dedicated his time and efforts to securing these devices and chances are if you have an IoT device, Craig has looked into it. TechRadar Pro spoke with Craig about what led him to become a security researcher and he also provided further details regarding his recent discoveries of a vulnerable smart lock as well as a location privacy vulnerability in two of Google’s most popular consumer products.




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