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How the DoD uses bug bounties to help secure the department's websites

posted onDecember 15, 2016
by l33tdawg

Ash Carter, the current Secretary of Defense, does not mind stepping outside the box when it comes to innovation.

Last year, Secretary Carter created the Defense Digital Service (DDS), which recruits talent from the public sector. Secretary Carter explains that those interested will embark on a tour of duty at the Department of Defense (DoD) to help solve some of the DoD's most complex problems. One project completed by DDS personnel improved data sharing between the DoD and the Veterans Administration, allowing veterans to be served faster and more efficiently.

From the DDS site: "Our mission is to drive a giant leap forward in the way DoD builds and deploys technology and digital services. We work alongside our public servants and service members, empowering them to incorporate private sector best practices and talent to build a better future now."




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