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#HITB2021KUL: An eco-system of disruptions and dependencies

posted onOctober 18, 2012
by l33tdawg

THE Hack In The Box Security Conference in Kuala Lumpur (HITBSecConf2012 or HITB2012KUL) that ran from Oct 10-11 was a fitting monument to the series’ 10th anniversary.
It was the biggest ever, exceeding the 1,010-attendee target set by organizer Hack In The Box (HITB), and had its share of historic moments too – while the much-anticipated iOS 6 jailbreak did not happen, the panel discussion involving the iOS ‘Dream Team’ of experts who have unleashed many jailbreak tools and carrier unlocks found a rapt audience – both physically at the conference, and via a live video stream.
The two-day conference itself had more than 700 attendees, and HITB2012KUL saw about 1,100 visitors at the exhibition areas, which were open to public at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. The Capture The Flag (CTF) live network hacking competition saw hotly contested battles, with Japanese Team Sutegoma2 eventually retaining its title for another year and walking away with the US$3133.7 cash grand prize, HITB said in a statement. The second place winner was Team LOL from Vietnam and third was Team Nandy Narwhals which comprised university students from Singapore.



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