#HITB2012AMS VIDEO: KEYNOTE 1 - Getting Ahead of the Security Poverty Line by Andy Ellis, CSO of Akamai
Being stuck below the security poverty line isn’t about budget, it’s about attitude, motivation, and focusing not simply on basic compliance but rather on your true security goals. Akamai CSO Andy Ellis will share a behind-the-scenes look at how Akamai’s security program evolved through the collapse of the dot-com bubble, avoided being trapped belowthe security poverty line, and developed into one of the most trusted cloud platforms today.
Andy Ellis is Akamai's Chief Security Officer, responsible for overseeing the security architecture and compliance of the company's massive, globally distributed network as well as setting the strategic security direction of its offerings and managing the Information Security organization at Akamai.
#HITB2012AMS Conference Materials: http://conference.hitb.org/hitbsecconf2012ams/materials/