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HITB now out to hack the conference experience with new GSEC event

posted onOctober 20, 2014
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Mark your calendars! #HITB #GSEC is coming to Singapore in October 2015! Can't make it to SG? Come to Amsterdam! #HITB2015AMS (May 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th 2015) & #HITB #Haxpo (May 28th, 29th, 30th) @ Beurs van Berlage. Site opens at the end of Nov

AFTER pioneering the space locally and globalising its homegrown security conference, the Hack In The Box (HITB) crew is now planning its next big ‘hack’ – transforming the concept of how conferences are run.
At the end of its popular HITB Security Conference (HITBSecConf) last week – which it had already announced would be its last in Kuala Lumpur (KL) – HITB founder and chief executive officer Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran laid out plans for its new conference, HITB GSEC.
“When we started on the idea, the ‘G’ was meant to be ‘government,’ but now it has morphed into something completely different,” he told an enthusiastic crowd of hackers and security professionals at the closing ceremony of HITBSecConf 2014 in KL. “Why a new conference now? Because we can, I guess. But it’s also time to try something new – we’ve been around in Malaysia for about 12 years now, while the Amsterdam event has grown and matured to the point that we can experiment a bit with Asia,” he said.
HITBSecConf has been running in KL since 2003-2004, and in Amsterdam since 2010. It ran once in Bahrain in 2005, and in Dubai from 2007-2010.



HITB HITB2014KUL GSEC Singapore Malaysia Security Industry News

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