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Hackers have all the exploits needed for iOS 5.1 jailbreak

posted onApril 19, 2012
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: The iOS jailbreak 'Dream Team' including pod2g, planetbeing, nikias and p0sixninja will be in Amsterdam next month at HITB2012AMS in their first ever public appearance! In two separate one hour presentations, the Dream Team will be presenting the inner workings of both the Corona (A4) and Absinthe (A5) jailbreak solutions. Still want more? iPhone Dev Team member, MuscleNerd, will also be presenting on iPhone basedband unlocking! Words can't describe how excited the team and I are about having all of the guys over! 

Things have been pretty quiet on the jailbreak front since the launch of the iPad 3, but today Absinthe and Corona developer pod2g confirmed that all the exploits needed to jailbreak iOS 5.1 have been acquired. 

In February, iOS hacker i0n1c posted a few pictures of a jailbroken iPad 2 running iOS 5.1 and the DevTeam also wrote on their blog that someone "close to the Cydia repo scene" was working on an entirely new jailbreak method. Don’t get too excited, because there’s still a long way to go. Following Pod2g’s announcement, iOS hacker Grant Paul, better known as chpwn, reminded users that despite the team’s progress, it’s likely to be months before the jailbreak is actually working, never mind ready for public release. 



Apple. iOS iPad iPhone Hackers HITB HITBSecConf Amsterdam Security

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