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GitHub unblocked in China after former Google head slams its censorship

posted onJanuary 23, 2013
by l33tdawg

Access to software collaboration site GitHub appeared to be restored in China on Wednesday, just as former Google executive Kai-Fu lee criticized its blocking as a senseless move that would harm the nation's developers.

GitHub, a U.S. site known as a repository for open source code, had been at least partially blocked in China as early as last Thursday, with access completely cut on Monday. But it was unclear why government censors had targeted the site, with speculation pointing to GitHub's links to Chinese online train ticket buying plugins, which authorities have been trying to regulate.

Starting on Wednesday, however, China's censors had unblocked the site, according to Internet monitoring group But access to the sites have been slow and sometimes infrequent, caused by local Domain Name System (DNS) servers caching the earlier blocked results, said in an email.



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