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Feds recommend lenience for LulzSec hacker 'Sabu'

posted onMay 26, 2014
by l33tdawg

 LulzSec hacker Hector Xavier Monsegur -- aka "Sabu" -- may walk out of court a free man on Tuesday.

In a memo filed this week in a US district court, prior to Monsegur's scheduled sentencing on May 27, government attorneys say that because of his "extremely valuable and productive" work as an informant for law enforcement, Monsegur should be spared a long prison term.

Instead, they recommend a sentence of time served. That means the seven months Monsegur spent in jail in 2012, after he violated a plea bargain by making "unauthorized online postings." The memo notes that under United States Sentencing Guidelines, Monsegur faces a term of about 21 to 26 years.



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