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Facebook will never request your password over email

posted onMarch 6, 2012
by l33tdawg

On Friday, I wrote a story about how Facebook was prompting users for their password when they navigate to Facebook’s Update Your Security Information webpage. Users said they were confused why it was happening, and frankly so was I. The prompt was ironic to me because most users get to the webpage from a Facebook ad (Sponsored Story) called “Account Protection” pushed out by Facebook itself to help them improve their account security.

This was very frustrating to me since security experts have been warning users for years not to hand over their password willy-nilly. In my article, I pointed to a Facebook Help Center entry (emphasis mine):

    I got an email asking for my Facebook password.
    Do not respond to the email. Facebook will never request your password, and we advise against providing your login information to anyone under any circumstances.



Facebook Secuirty

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