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Facebook CEO puts on suit and a smile to try to seduce, assuage senators

posted onApril 11, 2018
by l33tdawg

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was grilled before the Senate Commerce and Judiciary Committees in a Tuesday hearing that lasted hours.

Zuckerberg reiterated numerous times in both written and spoken testimony that, yes, the company made mistakes when dealing with Cambridge Analytica, the now-maligned British data analytics firm that worked with the Donald Trump presidential campaign. He also underscored the numerous new policies that Facebook has been rolling out in recent days, ranging from ad monitoring to more Burmese language support, among other changes.

Many senators used the opportunity to impress upon the executive that it may no longer be a completely fair trade for the company to happily absorb vast quantities of free information voluntarily shared on Facebook and for Facebook to make vast sums of money as a result.



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