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Charlie Miller: To NFC or not to NFC #HITB2012KUL

posted onOctober 8, 2012
by l33tdawg

CHARLIE Miller, a principal research consultant for Accuvant Labs set a lot of tongues wagging at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference earlier this year.
His presentation involved demonstrating how Near Field Communications (NFC) features in mobile phones opened up new venues for hackers to gain control over the device.
NFC technology builds upon Radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems by allowing two-way communication between endpoints, where earlier systems such as contactless smart cards were one-way only. Its uses include facilitating media sharing access control (to replace traditional keys), ticketing for social events and public transportation in lieu of traditional paper as well as contactless payments, where money is debited from financial accounts.



HITB HITB2012KUL Security Hardware

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