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British Airways hack upgrades cyber risk pipeline

posted onSeptember 14, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: ZeeNews

The British Airways payment hack and a spate of supply chain-based attacks have provided a lift to ASX-listed cyber security minnow Whitehawk after the company issued a price-sensitive note to the market on Friday on forthcoming pipeline.

The specialist cyber risk company, which is dual headquartered in Western Australia and the US state of Virginia, said it has “a strong pipeline of contract opportunities in the US for our 360 Cyber Risk Framework Review, including the US Government.”

Although small, the specialist firm has garnered attention in the cloistered intelligence community thanks in part to its leadership which includes executive chair Terry Roberts, a former deputy director of US naval intelligence. More recently, Roberts was head of cyber engineering and analytics for large defence contractor TASC, a spin-off of Northrop Grumman.



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