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Bezos allegations put phone hacking technology in the spotlight

posted onJanuary 26, 2020
by l33tdawg
Credit: Flickr

Allegations that boss and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos had his phone hacked by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have put a spotlight on the security of smartphones and the secretive tools used to hack them.

Smartphones are effectively pocket-sized computers that run apps on operating systems such as Apple's iOS or Google's Android. Those devices have enabled a new world of connectivity unlimited free calls over WhatsApp, for example, or an atlas worth of up-to-the-second maps from Google - but also a parade of potential security problems.

Here is how smartphones can be hijacked and a look at the potential consequences and the thriving market in surveillance vendors helping the world's spies get access to people's secrets. Smartphones operate through a collection of apps, sometimes scores of them, running over an operating system, which in turn runs on a complex piece of hardware embedded with receptors, lenses and sensors.




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