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The Best Security for Wireless Networks

posted onApril 25, 2011
by hitbsecnews

The bad guys are drooling over all the delicious info they can suck from your ever-growing wireless network. Where once there were only computers and servers to steal information from now there are dual-mode cell phones (that often seek the nearest WiFi connections without your approval or knowledge); Blu-ray players and gaming consoles that connect to the Internet; tables; laptops ... virtually everything you do, everything you know, everything that defines the essence of you is contained neatly on your network. Not just tasty tidbits of info for a bad guy to snack on, but a full-on, table-covered feast!

While it's good advice to limit the amount of personal info on your devices, that advice isn't very practical. After all, the whole point of having all those devices is so you can do stuff easier and that in turn generates information about you -- a lot of information. Still, keep the private info to a minimum and then follow these tips to build your own hacker-smacker defense shield, so to speak:

First, realize the threat is both physical and virtual. Most folks still think of a hacker as some unshaved showerless teen geek with a malicious streak sitting at a single computer far, far away. However, that is not usually the case. These days hackers tend to work in teams as members of organized crime. Quite often they are funded by foreign governments. However, there are plenty of cyber-criminals here at home, too and they are just as likely to case your street, like ordinary robbers do.




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