Ars kicks off March with Hacker Movie Madness
Tournaments, brackets, and cut-down basketball nets aren't the typical currency here at Ars, but we like any excuse to apply seasonal sports analogies to nerdy fare. No, really. Look: We're taking a giant logical leap and applying the world of college basketball to, er, the world of hacking movies!
Just go with us here. For decades, Hollywood has had a strange relationship with hacking, computer crime, and cyber warfare, and the results have ranged from fun to tense to so-bad-it's-good hilarious. As a result, the movie-hacking rainbow is pretty diverse and, importantly to us, difficult to rank from best to worst.
Rather than make a definitive, ordered list, we decided to hand the debate to you, our esteemed sci-fi super-fans. And with Spring coming around the corner, we're going with a March-related theme and presenting our picks for best, weirdest, and most interesting hacking-related movies in an elimination tournament. Starting this week, we're pitting 16 films against each other—a sweet selection, really—in eight vote-based contests. (64 would have been way too many, so we've already listed some losers.)