AMD Envisions Microprocessors with More than Eight Cores.
Advanced Micro Devices was nearly a year late to market with its quad-core microprocessors compared to Intel Corp., but the firm seems to be optimistic about its roadmap execution going forward. The company says that its octa-core microprocessors are due in 2009, whereas chips with more than eight cores can be made thanks to AMD’s architecture.
Randy Allen, corporate vice president of server and workstation division at AMD, said in an interview that AMD’s new quad-core server processor made using 45nm process technology code-named Shanghai is due in the second half of 2008, whereas octa-core microprocessor code-named Montreal along with new socket G3 platform are set for release in 2009.
The vice president of the world’s second largest maker of x86 central processing units (CPUs) also said that Shanghai microprocessors will be able to offer higher instructions per clock (IPC) throughput compared to Barcelona, which should transform into higher overall performance per clock. Thanks to higher IPC and larger level-three cache (6MB instead of 2MB), the new processors are likely to offer considerably higher speed than existing quad-core chips by AMD.