AMD Complains of Benchmark Bias
Source: PC WORLD
Absent any recognized standard, savvy PC buyers rely on benchmarking software to determine which processor will best suit their overall computing needs. However, charges of bias and manipulation over the last few days against one of the most recognized programs have brought to light the discrepancies in benchmarking software and in its effectiveness to users.
Advanced Micro Devices is launching an assault against the SYSmark 2002 benchmark, charging it has been altered to favor processors from Intel, according to Hal Speed, AMD marketing manager.
SYSmark is distributed by a consortium called BAPCo, or the Business Application Performance Corporation. Members of the group include Intel, Dell, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, and AMD, which recently joined the consortium. The group also includes several industry publications, including InfoWorld, a sibling publication of PC World; IDG is the parent company of both.