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Alternatives of 13 Most Commonly Used Windows Applications for Linux

posted onMay 30, 2013
by l33tdawg

People hesitates, switching from windows to Linux because they fear, they won’t get an appropriate program to perform their day-to-day task. Moreover a general notion more or less that lies within us is – “A Paid service or a paid project would be more reliable as compared to a project that falls under the category of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)”.

Had it been true, perhaps there would not have been a project named Linux today, Neither I would have been writing this nor you would have been reading right now. Only true GEEK know that there is an alternative to almost all the projects, available for Linux and even more than that. These alternatives are more reliable, less buggy, more secure, easy-to-upgrade, easy-to-install, large user-group-support and that don’t crashes similar to their alternatives for windows. Get ready to change the prevailing notion, along the article.



Linux Microsoft Software-Programming

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