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GitHub lands $250 million in funding and is now worth $2 billion

posted onJuly 30, 2015
by l33tdawg

GitHub, the hugely popular and sometimes controversial website for hosting software development, has officially raised its second round of funding. Just like the first it’s a whopper: $250 million, which now values the company at $2 billion, GitHub told the Wall Street Journal.

The company confirmed the round to Business Insider, telling us it was led by Sequoia Capital, with participation from Andreessen Horowitz, Thrive Capital, and Institutional Venture Partners.

Day FOUR of the GitHub web assault: Activists point fingers at 'China's global censorship'

posted onMarch 31, 2015
by l33tdawg

With the GitHub distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack nearing its fifth day of bombardment, the code-sharing upstart said it is holding up well under fire.

The site said as of Monday afternoon, Pacific Time, it is still operating at 100 per cent, despite a continuing flow of malicious traffic to its servers. GitHub said the attack "has evolved," but wouldn't provide any further information.

GitHub recovering from massive DDoS attacks

posted onMarch 30, 2015
by l33tdawg

Software development platform GitHub said Sunday it was still experiencing intermittent outages from the largest cyberattack in its history but had halted most of the attack traffic.

Starting on Thursday, GitHub was hit by distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that sent large volumes of Web traffic to the site, particularly towards two Chinese anti-censorship projects hosted there.

Former GitHub CEO leaves the company

posted onApril 22, 2014
by l33tdawg

Tom Preston-Werner — founder of the immensely popular social coding site GitHub and its most prominent executive — has left the company in the wake of widely publicized sexual harassment investigation.

GitHub, a tech-industry darling whose coding software is used by millions of developers worldwide, launched the investigation last month after one of the company’s developers, Julie Ann Horvath, quit the company and claimed it had an oversized tolerance for inappropriate behavior.

GitHub Developer Program emphasizes integrations

posted onMarch 7, 2014
by l33tdawg

GitHub is reaching out to developers with the formation of a program encouraging them to link to the popular code-sharing site.

The GitHub Developer Program offers resources to work with the GitHub API, which includes features like project management, authentication, and the triggering of code-testing when committing code to GitHub. "Really, almost anything you can do on GitHub, we open up an API for it," said Ryan Day, head of business development at the company.

How GitHub handled getting hacked

posted onMarch 5, 2012
by l33tdawg

GitHub was hacked today in a way that exposed every repository. Russian hacker Egor Homakov discovered a public key form update vulnerability that allowed him (or anyone else, for that matter) to access any GitHub repository with full administrator privileges. As a result, anyone could, for example, commit to master, reopen and close issues in Issue Tracker, or even wipe the entire history of any GitHub project.

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