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Trojan "made in Germany" spies in Bahrain

posted onJuly 26, 2012
by l33tdawg

Citizenlab has released a detailed analysis of the activities of a trojan in which the experts conclude that the malware is most likely closely related to FinFisher, a commercial spyware tool developed by a company called Gamma International. The trojan targeted political activists in Bahrain and included sender names such as that of an Al Jazeera correspondent and subject lines like "Torture reports on Rabil Najaab".

Hackers target F1 websites over Bahrain GP

posted onApril 21, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hackers claiming to be from Anonymous have taken down the official Formula One website as protests grow over this weekend's controversial Grand Prix in the Kingdom of Bahrain. "The F1 Grand Prix in Bahrain should be strongly opposed. The Al Khalifa regime stands to profit heavily off the race and has promised to use live ammunition against protestors in preparation," the group said in a statement.

Hackers breach Bahrain Labor Market Regulatory Authority

posted onApril 2, 2012
by l33tdawg

A group of Asians accused of hacking the electronic system of the Bahrain Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) have appeared before the Public Prosecutor to face charges. 

The hackers used an LMRA employee’s pseudonym and password and cancelled the violations committed by some companies in exchange for BD1,500. The General Directorate of Economic and Electronic Security and Anti-Corruption arrested the hackers following the LMRA officials suspected one of its employee of foul play.