Defeating Citi-Bank Virtual Keyboard Protection
Early this year, Citi-Bank introduced the concept of Virtual Keyboard to
defend against malicious programs like keyloggers, Trojans and spywares etc.
The bank claimed that this concept would improve the security of those using
its Internet banking facilities. Various features of this Virtual Keyboard
are -
. The Virtual Keyboard is dynamic
. The sequence in which the numbers appears will change every time,
the page is refreshed
. The Virtual Keyboard protects you from malicious 'Spy Ware' and
'Trojan Programs' designed to capture your keystrokes
. The Virtual Keyboard eliminates this risk and makes your Citibank
login that much safer and provides for a secure online banking experience
However, the Virtual Keyboard concept can be easily defeated by using Win32
APIs to access HTML documents. L33tdawg: The original news regarding the virtual keyboard is here