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Windows 8 to kill password pain

posted onDecember 16, 2011
by l33tdawg

Protecting yourself on the internet typically requires the use of passwords, but that process has never been easy or truly safe. Most people either try to remember too many passwords, or just simply use the same passwords for all of their accounts. Both approaches leave the door open for hackers to access your personal information.

What's needed is a simpler, yet still secure, approach.

In the latest edition of the Building Windows 8 blog, Dustin Ingalls, a group program manager on Microsoft's security and identity team, explains how both Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10 will try to adopt that simple yet secure approach. The upcoming new version of IE will let users store and access the account names and passwords for all of the websites and many of the applications that they use. You can choose to have IE10 securely house your credentials, and then automatically retrieve them when you visit a password-protected site.



Microsoft Security

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