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Twitter Account Retweets Debit Card Pics

posted onJuly 2, 2012
by l33tdawg

And now a public service announcement: don’t post photos of your debit or credit cards online. That might sound like an incredibly basic security rule, but it’s one dozens of Twitter users are breaking — and now one handle hopes to hold them to account.

@NeedADebitCard pillages the Twittersphere for unsuspecting users who posted completely legible photos of their credit and debit cards on the web. Its sole purpose: to shame those foolish enough to post Twitpics or Instagrams that contain their credit or debit card information.

“Please quit posting pictures of your debit cards, people,” reads the account’s bio. It has posted 55 pictures and gained more than 2,000 followers since first tweeting on May 25.



Twitter Security Industry News

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