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RIP: Len Sassaman, crypto expert and privacy advocate

posted onJuly 3, 2011
by l33tdawg

We just received the very sad news that Len Sassaman has passed away at the age of 31 - Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and wife Meredith (@maradydd on Twitter). From Wikipedia:

Len Sassaman (1980-2011) was an advocate for privacy, maintainer of the Mixmaster anonymous remailer code and remop of the randseed remailer.

Mr. Sassaman was a well-known cypherpunk, cryptographer and privacy advocate. He worked for Network Associates on the PGP encryption software, was a member of the Shmoo Group, a contributor to the OpenPGP IETF working group, the GNU Privacy Guard project, and frequently appeared at technology conferences like DEF CON. Sassaman was the co-founder of CodeCon along with Bram Cohen, co-founder of the HotPETS workshop (with Roger Dingledine of Tor and Thomas Heydt-Benjamin), co-author of the Zimmermann–Sassaman key-signing protocol, and was an organizer of the protests following the arrest of Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov.



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