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Company Sues Kickstarter Over 3D Printer Patent, Maligns 'Hackers And Makers'

posted onNovember 22, 2012
by l33tdawg

We've been pointing out for a while that one of the reasons why advancements in 3D printing have been relatively slow is because of patents holding back the market. However, a bunch of key patents have started expiring, leading to new opportunities. One, in particular, that has received a fair bit of attention was the Formlabs 3D printer, which raised nearly $3 million on Kickstarter earlier this year. It got a ton of well-deserved attention for being one of the first "low end" (sub ~$3,000) 3D printers with very impressive quality levels.

Part of the reason the company said it could offer such a high quality printer at a such a low price, relative to competitors, was because some of the key patents had expired, allowing it to build key components without having to pay astronomical licensing fees. A company called 3D Systems, however, claims that Formlabs missed one patent. It holds US Patent 5,597,520 on a "Simultaneous multiple layer curing in stereolithography." While I find it ridiculous that 3D Systems is going legal, rather than competing in the marketplace, it's entirely possible that the patent is valid. It just highlights how the system holds back competition that drives important innovation, though.



Kickstarter Law and Order Hardware

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