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Brace for more mega-DDoS attacks, security experts warn

posted onApril 1, 2013
by l33tdawg

Distributed Denial of Service attacks like the one that resulted from an altercation between a Dutch company and Spamhaus last week are on the rise, according to a report by security firm Kaspersky Labs.

The security vendor was responding to the huge DDoS attack that occurred last week, described as the biggest cyber attack in history. The attack affected millions of rank and Internet users, slowing hundreds of processes down.

According to reports, the DDoS attack occurred when Spamhaus, an organization that blacklists spammers, blacklisted Dutch company Cyberbunker, an open hosting service that allows anyone to set up a website on its servers. The attack exploited the architecture of the Internet to heard huge amounts of traffic to the Spamhaus website. The attack then went global, affecting the wider Internet.



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