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Anonymous has the Government of Malaysia in their sights

posted onJune 14, 2011
by l33tdawg

The “hacktivist” group, Anonymous, posted a mission statement to Pastebin on June 12 describing the reasoning behind their planned and upcoming attack on official Malaysian government websites. Anonymous warned, “We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom, we [will be] obligated to act fast and have no mercy.”

Anonymous claims that Malaysia is preventing the free distribution of information by censoring its internet, calling it “one of the world’s strictest governments,” similar to the reasoning behind their recent attacks on Turkish government websites, after which 32 people—who the Turkish government claimed were members of Anonymous—were arrested.

Sources within Anonymous revealed several details in an exclusive interview with the Epoch Times on the upcoming action, organization, and target selection process of the group. Anonymous revealed that target countries are selected based on input from users in those countries, however when asked whether or not there were Anonymous in Malaysia, they responded only that “[We] cannot give you that info.”

L33tdawg: The attacks are supposed to commence at 1930 GMT on Wednesday, 15th of June



Anonymous Hackers

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