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10 Arduino Projects That Simplify Electronics Hacking

posted onMarch 31, 2014
by l33tdawg

Saturday marks World Arduino Day, an eponymous celebration of the first decade of the open-source single-board microcontroller designed for do-it-yourself electronics projects.

Developed in 2004 for Italian design students, Arduino quickly became a favorite for builders and makers all over the world. With a built-in set of inputs and outputs that can be directly connected to sensors, Arduino allows for projects that interact with the environment outside the tiny microcontroller.

For this reason, many compare Arduino to Raspberry Pi, but Arduino is not a self-sufficient computer like the Pi. What Arduino can do is make electrical engineering ridiculously easy. For example, let’s say you wanted to create a simple project to make LEDs blink on and off. On the Raspberry Pi, you’d need to install your OS and some code libraries, and that’s just the start. On the Arduino, you can achieve the same functionality with just an LED, a resistor and eight measly lines of code. 



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