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IT managers still overestimate security

posted onJuly 28, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Only two out of 50 firewalls at a leading Swiss bank were configured correctly -- just one
instance of security that is all that it should be

Network security is being overestimated by IT managers because they are failing to manage
protective software properly, according to a security expert.

Norbert Pohlmann, a director at Internet security specialist Utimaco and author of a new book
entitled Firewall Systems, said the mismanagement of software is putting firms at risk. "We
recently found that only two of 50 firewalls at a leading Swiss bank were functioning as they
should, while the rest were configured incorrectly," said Pohlmann. "IT managers still don't seem
to understand the risks. They spend money on security products and fail to manage them.
Companies need to understand security at a conceptual level to reduce risk, as there are so many
threats out there such as viruses, hackers and so forth."

Pohlmann recommended that the
management of security systems
should only be carried out by trusted
personnel or outsourced to
specialists. "The deployment of
[security products] requires that the
users be trained properly," he said.

In a recent survey of 445 IT directors
attending the IT Directors' Forum
2001, just under half said firms should
appoint a dedicated digital security
expert, compared with 31 percent who
opposed this approach.

Analysts said IT managers find some
products particularly difficult to
configure and control, and
manageability rather than price should
be the main concern when buying a
firewall product. José López, lead analyst for European network security at industry watcher Frost
& Sullivan, said, "IT managers should not base their choice of firewall on price, but should test
products to find the right one for their organisation. Firewalls are something you must get right
from the beginning." López also criticised a number of manufacturers for their emphasis on
functionality. "Some vendors focus on adding competitive capabilities to firewalls over ease of
management," he said.

There are a number of security-policy management solutions available to simplify the provisioning
and management of firewalls, switches and routers.





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